07 2020
The Blessings of Recovery

The Blessings of Recovery                         

“Joe” (not pictured above) came to us at the urging of his pastor. His presenting problem was emotional, spiritual and marital pain resulting from an “emotional affair” in which he had recently engaged.  As a married man with young children, Joe knew there was a lot at risk in his world. He followed our guidance to “do everything” and focus on himself first, rather than his marriage. Joe immersed himself in recovery. He began to attend recovery meetings, received a referral to a Christian counselor who treats sex addiction and even attended a short term workshop in another state.

After that experience, the deeper truth of a physical affair emerged. In the process, Joe began to get more honest about his feelings and his activities, what he was doing and not doing in recovery. He began to understand the damage done in his own life due to involvement in a distorted church community. After returning from the workshop, he confessed that he “began to understand the gospel for the first time.” He stopped hiding and began to experience God’s unconditional love for him. He embraced the necessary pain required for growth.

Soon thereafter, Joe’s wife attended a wives workshop where she could focus on her own grief, pain and sorrow. As a result, hope has blossomed out of betrayal and difficulty. A way forward has opened up. Joe will need to continue to work his program. But the transformation into a new life and marriage has begun.

This patient, one on one work, is a large portion of our ministry at Living Without Lust. There is no price we can put on a changed life, a better future and a transformed marriage and home. The other piece is our indispensable work with leaders, establishing partnerships with those on the front lines of ministry. Both are essential if we to fulfill the promise of Isaiah 61, fulfilled by Jesus in Luke 4:18.

Please consider supporting us at this time with a year-end tax deductible gift.  Details below.