We are all born with a soul that hungers and thirsts. Not just for food and drink, but spiritually. Our souls have a need to be filled , and we have a desire to fill them with something outside ourselves. Something that transcends our current condition. Something that gives us life, as we often feel like we are dying.
The question is, what will satisfy our appetite? What will quench our thirst? Addiction and lust are nothing more than getting that answer wrong. Our answer may be sex, drugs, food, money, or power, but they are all wrong. Why do we get the wrong answer? Deception. We can be deceived by the world, by the enemy, or by our own sinful nature.
So, what is the right answer? Jesus. His flesh is true food, his blood is true drink. Whoever comes to him shall never hunger, whoever believes in him shall never thirst.
But how do we eat the true food, the flesh of Jesus? What is the flesh? We are told that the word became flesh. Therefore, we must listen to him. When God speaks to us through his word and spirit, we must listen and we must chew on it with our minds.
And how do we drink Jesus’ blood? By believing what he tells us. We must believe his truth, love, mercy, grace, and all of the other blessings that he pours onto us through the scriptures.
What does recovery look like? Quite simply, it is loving God and loving others. It is not just a party of two between us and God or us and others. It is a party of three. We do not eat and drink of the fruits of the true vine alone. We invite others who hunger and thirst just like we do.
Jesus Christ is the way. He redeems all addiction and all lust, no matter how strong. If we have ears to hear, and hearts to believe, our faith will make us well. Amen.
Adam Smith, Living Without Lust Board