“This was my second time attending the Living Without Lust annual conference. It was worth every bit of the 24 hours of driving to to get to Jacksonville. Each time I have attended, I’ve gleaned invaluable information and connected with numerous guys who are in the fight. I need this. We need this. I am looking forward to to using what I have learned here to deepen my own recovery program, as well as paying it forward to others struggling in my community.”
Trauma Impact
“The men’s conference with Jake Porter was phenomenal. He offered insights into the impact of my trauma(s) and resulting shame. and how there is a very real biological/physical effect on the brain and nervous system and how these traumas impact our relationships. Importantly, Jake provided concrete action steps to break the negative cycle of my own thinking as well as relating to my wife.”
Even though I have a good amount of recovery, Jake’s seminar was extremely helpful. It was a large amount of information and I know as I walk out the things I have learned, I will continue to grow and become the man that God desires me to be. I was very encouraged.”
“What is Not Good For My Marriage is Not Good For Me’
“Well worth the trip. Jake said, ‘What is not good for my marriage is not good for me.” This provoked a discussion in my recovery group the following week. He combined both humility and expertise in his demeanor and presentation. Thank you to Jake and the planning team at Living Without Lust.”
Really Good for Me and My Wife
“There are so many take home messages from this conference. It was really good for me and my wife on Friday night. One of the most powerful messages for me was to hear more about what it is like to be a betrayed spouse. My wife has tried to convey a lot of what Jake said but I think my ears were “clogged.” Jake was able to preset the truth in a way that I could hear without as much shame. I especially liked the analogy of the filing cabinet with files representing the life our spouse thought was true and those representing the hidden truth. And then dumping all the files on the floor out of it all and trying to put them back in order. That is a visual that will stick with me for a long time.”
Journey to Freedom
‘The Living Without Lust conference was exactly what I needed this year. Not only was it extremely educational, covering a host of hard to talk about issues, but the people I met and the resources available will enhance my own journey to freedom. I now have a better understanding of myself and what it is like for a betrayed spouse, as well as a better understanding of how I can help her in her healing journey.’
Firehose Experience
“Definitely a “firehose” experience. I am looking forward to reviewing the slides when they become available. After attending a few of these conferences, I find myself following the line of thought better.’
Understanding and Empathy
In attending the event with Jake Porter, I have two words to describe it. Understanding and empathy. I gained an understanding of the process of the addiction as to how it affects me and others in my life. I learned about empathy towards my wife, as she is healing and dealing with the effects of my addiction in the marriage.
The Impact of Formative Years
“Never truly understanding how my formative years impacted me as an adult, I gained a much deeper understanding about myself and about my relationships around me., as a result of attending the Living Without Lust conference. What a great weekend…plus I ran into an old high school buddy from 30 years ago.”
I recently attended the annual Living Without Lust conference. I was overwhelmed by the what I learned from Dr Jake Porter, the keynote speaker at the event.
Choose Connection
Dr. Porter’s lectures gave me a better understanding of the emotional trauma my wife suffered when she learned of my betrayal. After the conference my wife and I began participating in Dr. Jake’s online, “40 Day Choose Connection”, Marriage program. In just a few sessions we have gained a better understanding of how important is is to make decisions in our marriage always putting our relationship first.