We are about to enter the holiday season, a time during the year when sexual acting out increases. Many who once tried a lust recovery program and dropped out will re-enter after the first of the year. Many others will attend for the first time in 2017. Why are the next six weeks so difficult for so many? Here are a few reasons among many and some suggestions on what to do about it.
The truth about the holidays is that they cannot push us into our defects without our consent. But the holidays do present a challenge. Passivity is the enemy. Taking action is our friend. When we face facts and recognize that the world comes at us differently during these six weeks and respond creatively to this truth, we can discover this time of year to be a liberating blessing, filled with joy and peace.
Jay Haug is Executive Director of Living Without Lust (www.livingwithoutlust.com.) He is the author of The Rest of God: Finding Freedom from Lust in the Internet Age, available from amazon.com